HTA Medical Devices and the Future
In this Video: Join VI Research as we delve into the evolution of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) over the past two decades. About VI Research: With 20+ years in the industry, VI Research has been a part of the collaborative journey that has shaped HTA as a policy tool. Our diverse portfolio of projects and appointments provides us with a nuanced understanding of HTA processes.

A Paradigm Shift: cross-functional collaboration for impact
Innovation and change are the driving forces behind the evolving healthcare environment in South Africa. Join VI Research as we delve into strategic solutions that harness the power of cross-functional collaboration to successfully navigate this paradigm shift. Who should attend? CEO’s, MD’s, functional managers of Pharmaceutical, Devices & Diagnostic Companies. RSVP

Biggest lessons about life
Looking back at life, most people will be able to identify definitive (often pivotal) moments that changed their life. Some were positive moments, while inevitably, some were negative moments, but with a positive impact over time. In this brief post, I will share four of the most profound lessons I learned in my adult life. […]

Medical Writing
When the context moves from data collection to the communication of the science: It is what you do with data that is science – the interpretation you make, the story you tell. (Mimi Zeiger, Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers 2000) At VI Research, we are passionate about science and story-telling. Whether it be a […]

Let’s not talk about Covid, please!
I am not sure if it’s only me, but lately, I feel that I am suffering from Covid-small-talk-burnout (let’s call it CSTB, yet another acronym!). Almost, without exception, it seems that any interaction, with anybody, being work, friends or family-related, starts with the latest “news” on Covid. Inevitably, when you join a virtual meeting and […]

Post ARMs Workshop Discussion
VI Research presented an online workshop on Alternative Reimbursement Models (ARMs). The event was well attended and the topic sparked significant debate regarding the challenges faced to implement these models at a country level. The discussions were insightful and provided the delegates with a better understanding of these challenges and the proposed solutions on how […]

Interactive Workshop on Alternative Reimbursement Models – Summary of Meeting
Interactive Workshop on Alternative Reimbursement Models Summary of Meeting – 09 June 2021 Facilitated by: Dr Tienie Stander Victoria Barr Kumen Chetty An initial poll indicated that over 60% of participants had joined the workshop because they see Alternative Reimbursement Models (ARMs) as an important future mechanism to improve access and affordability. 1. ARM’s in […]

Synthesising data: meta-analysis and network meta-analysis
Different methods are available to combine or synthesise different data sources available from literature on the same subject, for instance, if one needs to determine the effect of drug A in reducing cardiac events compared to the effect of drug B in reducing cardiac events. When head-to-head trials for drug A versus B are available, […]

The 2020 Black Swan
On December 31, 2019, an official case of the novel respiratory disease of the species of coronaviruses was reported in Wuhan, China (WHO, 2020), marking the beginning of what has now proved to be one of the most devastating viral outbreaks in modern history. The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) came as a rare and unprecedented event. […]